GENEWIZ TargetGxOne™ custom gene panels provide targeted resequencing of any gene of interest via next generation sequencing (NGS). Custom resequencing can provide information on point mutations, insertions/deletions (INDELs), copy number variations (CNVs), and gene rearrangements for your specific genes of interest. When looking at multiple genes and/or multiple samples, next generation sequencing-based custom panels are more cost-effective and offer higher coverage than traditional techniques, such as Sanger sequencing.
Our TargetGxOne™ panels offer a complete solution from the assay design through advanced bioinformatics analysis with 2 different options for targeting your gene of interest.
Service Options
Targeted Gene Enrichment
Our TargetGxOne™ gene enrichment approach uses Agilent SureSelect chemistry for resequencing large genomic regions. GENEWIZ from Azenta aids in both the design and synthesis of synthetic baits used to pull down your selected target regions. This approach is beneficial in identifying SNPs, insertions/deletions (INDELs), copy number variations (CNVs), and gene rearrangements.
Custom Amplicon Sequencing
Our TargetGxOne™ custom amplicon approach utilizes a proprietary primer design strategy to amplify and subsequently sequence target regions of your choice. Amplicon sequencing is ideally suited for targeting smaller genomic regions, such as mutational hotspots within a subset of genes. Amplicon sequencing assays can be designed to detect copy number variations (CNVs) and well-defined gene fusions in addition to SNPs and INDELs.
Features & Benefits
Sample Submission Guidelines
GENEWIZ from Azenta accepts the following sample types for targeted resequencing projects:
- Purified genomic DNA
- Frozen cell pellets (mammalian or bacterial)
- PCR amplicons
- Bacterial colonies
- Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) thin sections (slides)
- Select tissues
- Blood
- Swab
For detailed sample submission requirements please visit our Sample Submission Guidelines page.
All customers receive their raw data as FASTQ files. Customizable data analysis packages are available by request.NGS PLATFORMS
For information on our NGS platforms as well as recommended configurations of your projects, please visit the NGS Platforms page. GENEWIZ from Azenta does not guarantee data output or quality for sequencing-only projects.