GLP, and GCP compliant. CAP/CLIA accredited. World Class Analysis.
Preclinical and Clinical Services
Depend on GENEWIZ Preclinical & Clinical Services from Azenta to support your preclinical and clinical regulatory submissions. Our state-of-the-art US Laboratory adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), as applicable to our services, Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines and is compliant with FDA and EPA Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) and accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP)/Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA).
We offer a complete solution to support all your clinical and regulatory needs. From sample collection and storage, through to sample processing, sequencing, analysis, and reporting. Operating with the highest-quality standards, our flexible services are customized to meet each customer’s unique specifications.
Therapeutic Development
Sequence confirmation support throughout preclinical development and clinical trials
Medical and IVD Devices Development
Orthogonal testing for validation of in vitro diagnostic accuracy to support US FDA CDRH medical device applications
Diagnostic Confirmatory Mutation Analysis
Confirmation of deleterious patient genomic alterations utilizing orthogonal platform technologies in support of diagnostics
Biomarkers and Pharmacogenomics
Confirmation of known biomarkers in preclinical and clinical samples
Cell Bank/Line Development
Confirmation of viral, bacterial, and human cell lines and cell banks, pre- and post- manufacturing, prior to use in therapeutics
Agricultural Product Development
GLP GMO and plant strain Identification, as per 40CFR part 160 for EPA compliance
Including regulated Sanger and next generation sequencing, plasmid preparation, and pre-analytical bio-fluid processing.
From sample collection and storage, through sample processing, sequencing, analysis, and reporting, regulatory services team-up to support your regulatory needs. Access comprehensive sample management solutions to gain confidence that your samples are safe and optimized, and your program has the best chance of success.
Sample Collection
& TransportAzenta Life Sciences offers sample kitting and cold-chain logistics with real-time sample tracking to securely transport samples to our storage facilities.
Sample Storage
& ManagementSamples are stored in Azenta Life Sciences; CAP, ISO 9001-accredited, GGP-compliant facilities with 24/7 access to our 21 CFR Part 11- compliant software.
Sample Retrieval
& Pre-ProcessingGENEWIZ’s pre-analytical processing, such as extractions, PMBC isolations, and aliquoting, are performed in our CAP-accredited, GxP-compliant laboratories.
Sequencing, Prep,
& Data AnalysisCAP/CLIA-certified GENEWIZ laboratory offers a wide range of Sanger and NGS services for clinical research with compliance to GMP (as applicable to our services), GCP, and GLP guidelines.
Custom assay development and validations to support specific regulatory submissions
Adheres to the highest regulatory standards with compliance to GMP (as applicable to our services), GCP, and GLP guidelines
Superior data quality that exceeds manufacturer’s benchmarks & Ph.D.-level support during your entire project, including free consultations
Complementary NGS and Sanger services provide variant discovery-to-validation workflows