Site-Directed Mutagenesis


GENEWIZ from Azenta can increase your research productivity by performing your time-consuming site-directed mutagenesis projects efficiently and cost-effectively. Our customized mutagenesis services provide a fail-safe approach to obtain mutant constructs quickly, with 100% accuracy, thus eliminating the possibility of undesired mutations in your gene.


Study protein function, structure-function relationships, or nucleic acid-protein interactions

Identify active sites or functional elements such as promoter regions

Modify regulatory sequences to alter gene expression

Construct fusion, tagged proteins, or knockouts


100% accuracy: mutagenized genes are sequence-verified via Sanger sequencing as per your requirements

Full sequence-confirmed mutants delivered in as little as 5 working days

Multiple mutations in one reaction; successful large deletion/insertion protocol

Optimized, proprietary GENEWIZ protocol for greater reliability

High-fidelity enzymes to minimize PCR errors and optimized proprietary GENEWIZ protocols deliver greater reliability


To place an order, log-in to your GENEWIZ account and request a quote.

If you are new to GENEWIZ please create an account.

Mutagenesis Ordering Guide

Email | Phone (1-877-436-3949, Ext. 3)


To place an order, log-in to your GENEWIZ account and request a quote.

If you are new to GENEWIZ please create an account.

Email | Phone (1-877-436-3949, Ext. 3)