Sample Storage Policy

Please reference your service line and region below to find the relevant Sample Storage Policy at GENEWIZ from Azenta:

Service GENEWIZ Lab Location Sample Storage Policy
NGS All US Labs
UK Lab
Germany Lab

*For information regarding the Sample Storage Policy for NGS samples processed in one of our China labs, please contact us.
• GENEWIZ from Azenta offers sample storage for up to 3 months following project completion (excluding EZ services). Please contact us for further storage options.

All US Labs • Plasmids and PCR (purified and unpurified) samples are stored for 5 business days (1 calendar week) from date of receipt. Primers received along with the plasmids and PCR samples are stored for the same duration. 

Bacterial colonies, glycerol stocks, and phage are stored for 10 business days (2 calendar weeks) from date of receipt. Primers received along with these samples are stored for the same duration. 

Bacterial colonies selected to ‘Save for Prep’ on the Sanger sequencing order form are stored for a maximum of 20 days (4 calendar weeks) from the date of initial sample receipt. Please reach out to if extra time is required.

• Oligo Retain for Sanger (oligos synthesized by GENEWIZ) are stored for 1 year from date of synthesis.
 UK Lab  • Plasmids and PCR (purified and unpurified) samples are stored for 3 months from date of receipt. Primers received along with the plasmids and PCR samples are stored for the same duration.

• Bacterial colonies, glycerol stocks, and phages are stored for 1 month from date of receipt. Primers received along with these samples are stored for the same duration.

• Oligo Retain for Sanger (oligos synthesized by GENEWIZ) are stored for 3 months from date of synthesis. Up to 6 months of storage is available upon request.
Germany Lab • Predefined plasmids and PCR (purified and unpurified) samples are stored for 10 business days (2 calendar weeks) from date of receipt. Primers received along with the plasmids and PCR samples are stored for the same duration.

• Bacterial colonies and glycerol stocks will be stored for 4 weeks from date of receipt. Primers received along with these samples are stored for 10 business days.

• Oligo Retain for Sanger (oligos synthesized by GENEWIZ) are stored for 6 months from date of synthesis.
Gene Synthesis & Cloning and Mutagenesis

All Global Labs

• Plasmid DNA submitted as vector starting material is stored for 2 years from the date of receipt. 

• Final plasmid DNA products obtained at the end of the project are also stored for 2 years once the project is completed. 

Gene fragment DNA products obtained at the end of a project are stored for 3 months once the project is completed. 

Plasmid Preparation

US Labs (US and EMEA customers)

• Plasmid DNA is stored for 3 months.

• Bacterial agar plates and stabs are stored for 1 month.

• Glycerol stocks are stored for 3 months.

• Oligos submitted for sequence analysis are stored for 3 months.

Plasmid Preparation

Sample Submission Guidelines

Sample Type Sample Guideline
Clonal Plasmid DNA 5 µl at 200 ng/µl (minimum 100 ng)
Colonies on agar <3 days old; single and well isolated
Clonal Agar stab samples agar stabs
Clonal Glycerol stocks 200 µl of frozen stock
Frozen bacterial cell pellets varies by scale

Viral Plasmid Containing Inverted Terminal Repeat (ITR)

Be aware that sequencing ITR is challenging, so we request concentrated stocks of DNA.

  • Optimal sequencing concentration for Viral Plasmid is 300 ng/µl (minimum 200 ng/µl). Please submit as much template as you are able, up to 10 µl but no less than 5 µl.
  • Please include exact concentration in Notes field for each template.
  • Ensure 260/230 ration of 1.8-2.2, as this protocol is particularly sensitive to organic contamination.
  • Primer – Please provide 30 µl per reaction at 5 pmol/µl (5 µM) in a labeled 1.5 or 0.5 ml tube.
  • Generate primers that bind between 150 bps and 350 bp from the ITR.



Azenta Life Sciences offers GENEWIZ DNA prep services at several of our labs, including San Francisco, New Jersey, Boston & San Diego.

GENEWIZ South San Francisco
201 Haskins Way, Suite 100
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Tel: 510-705-1455

GENEWIZ Global Headquarters
111 Corporate Boulevard
South Plainfield, NJ 07080
Tel: 908-222-0711

1432 Main Street, Suite #110
Waltham, MA 02451
Tel: 617-300-0184

11099 North Torrey Pines Road, Suite 270
La Jolla, CA 92037
10am-8pm (M-F)

Direct Shipping (FedEx, UPS): 

If a dropbox is not available or if your starting material requires dry ice, please use an overnight delivery service such as FedEx or UPS. A printout of the online Order Summary page must be included with the material. 

All direct shipments should be sent to:

115 Corporate Boulevard 
South Plainfield, NJ 07080 

GENEWIZ Dropbox (if available):

Starting material that is stable at room temperature may be submitted via a GENEWIZ Dropbox where available. A printout of the online Order Summary page must be included with the material. Contact to request a dropbox pickup for your location or if you have any dropbox questions.