Long-Read Amplicon Sequencing


GENEWIZ Long Read Amplicon Sequencing provides ultra-deep, contiguous amplicon sequencing for sequences up to 10,000 bp. A single PacBio® read can discover a wide range of variants, from SNPs and small indels to large insertions and deletions. Furthermore, circular consensus sequences can be generated to obtain up to 99.999% single-molecule base calling accuracy.

Single Molecule, Real-Time (SMRT®) long-read sequencing offers complete, uniform, nonbiased coverage spanning long amplicons. Unlike short-read technologies, SMRT sequencing does not require the amplicon to be fragmented, and allows for phasing of variants across the entire amplicon.


Identify large CRISPR-mediated indels and structural variants
Phase alleles and variants across entire gene
Full-length HLA Typing
Full-length 16S, 18S and ITS gene sequencing
Paired heavy-light chain phage display sequencing
Custom amplicon sequencing

Features & Benefits

Up to 10,000 bp per contiguous sequence
Multiplexing available
Up to 99.999% single-molecule base calling accuracy
Latest technology through PacBio Sequel
Sequence through highly repetitive, GC-rich regions
Sample to answer in as little as two to three weeks


Sample Submission Guidelines

GENEWIZ accepts a wide range of inputs for PacBio amplicon sequencing, including purified and unpurified amplicons, restriction digested material, and plasmids. Additionally, GENEWIZ can prepare an amplicon from a wide range of starting materials, including genomic DNA, cell pellets, and tissue material.


Project deliverables include a data summary report, raw data files in BAM format, and demultiplex CCS reads in FASTQ format. Customizable data analysis packages are available by request.


Blog: PacBio HiFi Sequencing for Understanding Human Health and Disease

At the GENEWIZ from Azenta and PacBio virtual symposium titled, Decoding the Complexity of Human Health – A HiFi Vision, speakers from leading research institutions and biotech discussed the role of high-fidelity, long-read sequencing in understanding human health and diseases. In this blog post, we recap the presentations and highlight the themes that emerged from the virtual event.

Read Blog


For information on our NGS platforms as well as recommended configurations of your projects, please visit the NGS Platforms page. GENEWIZ from Azenta does not guarantee data output or quality for sequencing-only projects.

10x Genomics

How To Order

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