With the availability of advanced genomics research tools, scientists are increasingly looking to genome-level approaches to optimize productivity, nutrition, and viability of many agricultural products. Agrigenomics researchers are coming to rely on genomics to help address the rising constraints in our world’s food supply caused by such events as human population growth and global weather pattern changes.
AGRICULTURE & Food Science
With the availability of advanced genomics research tools, scientists are increasingly looking to genome-level approaches to optimize productivity, nutrition, and viability of many agricultural products. Agrigenomics researchers are coming to rely on genomics to help address the rising constraints in our world’s food supply caused by such events as human population growth and global weather pattern changes.

Genomics in Agriculture
GENEWIZ offers genomics solutions to assist in agriculture research and discovery at different stages of your research.
Gene Synthesis
Gene synthesis allows scientists to design and study modified genetic strains in order to address current/future global agricultural demands.
Metagenomics Solutions
Metagenomics can leverage next generation sequencing to rapidly analyze the diversity of microbial communities and elucidate the role of constituent species. We offer a suite of metagenomics solutions ranging from targeted assays (16S for prokaryotes and ITS2 for fungi) to whole genome analysis.
SNP Mutation Analysis
Our Sanger-based SNP mutation analysis screens genomic DNA from wheat, soy, maize, barley, cotton, cocoa, rice, sugar cane, and tea. Our full-service option includes customized amplicon design and Sanger sequencing, while our Sanger-only option is ideal for scientists who want to do the PCR themselves.
Whole Genome Sequencing
Full-service whole genome sequencing allows for the comprehensive analysis of entire plant genomes to reveal implicated genotypes or discover previously unknown SNPs, genes, or other biomarkers for agriculturally-important traits.